Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Favorite TV Shows from 2013/2014: #7-10

7. Sherlock- BBC/PBS
It's impressive how much impact a show has with so few episodes. Benedict Cumberbath and Martin Freeman are both really talented actors. It's the most believable portrayals of Sherlock and Watson I've seen (though Elementary's stars are also very good) as well as Moriarty and Mary. There were amazing plot twists and they really used the 80+ minute format to tell full movies. I really get into Sherlock's deductions while also being disliking his actions as much as the worst villains. The stories use very long scenes to create really complex and fun moments.

8. Almost Human- Fox (Cancelled)
A sci-fi crime drama that incorporates a lot of cool ideas without being too far out. There were some really good individual stories and some moments of promise in the overall, slowly developing arc for the characters. Karl Urban and Michael Ealy were both really good on their own and in their interactions with each other. It seemed to have good numbers, but I guess the show was too expensive to make?

9. Community- NBC (Cancelled)
Sometimes the show is brilliant and other times it's just weird. The first couple shows back were really interested and the episodes centered around a VCR game, Dungeons & Dragons and G.I. Joe were really interesting. I think when it missed it wasn't really funny though.

10. Modern Family- ABC
I don't really like the characters but the situations and jokes are usually pretty good. (Well the young girl is really funny when she has two lines per episode.) The cast really works together as a whole.

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