Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Favorite TV Shows from 2013/2014: #1-3

1. Arrow- CW (Last Year #4)
By far my favorite show of the year. And yes it's on the CW. It's a great action show that avoids predictable storylines while still making sense; it has great personal interactions that avoid the soap-opera romances that usually happen on the CW; the characters change in ways that develop quicker than expected while being reasonable. Stephen Amell is able to portray a hero with sufficient angst and darkness while still having humor. The main supporting characters (Felicity, Diggle, Quentin, Roy) go through interesting challenges and provide appropriate occasional humor. The show throws in flashbacks that are exciting and build the characters even though you know what roughly happens to the characters. Summer Glau was great, if somewhat underutilized. The main villain had a power performance and was menacing. (I am including a spoiler section at the end of this post.)

2. Brooklyn Nine-Nine- Fox
I generally like Andy Samberg's Digital Shorts, but this show shows that he can lead a structured show that follows some degree of reality. His character is great and I like most of the supporting cast. They definitely fit in weird personalities that pretty much stay the change and pretty much wouldn't work in reality. Once you get used to it the way they interact with each other and with their circumstances are great. I was surprised that they won the Golden Globes for best comedy show and comedic actor but I think it's deserved. Andre Braugher, Terry Crews and Joe Lo Trugio are really good stars and Patton Oswalt and Craig Robinson made good guest appearances. The pilot and first couple episodes took a while to get going but it kept really strong in all the other episodes.

3. Parks and Recreation- NBC (Last Year #3)
Such a great cast! Everyone here is great, and I like every character. In addition there are a ton of fun one-note characters and guest stars. The characters also went through some interesting overall arcs and resolved things really well. Filibuster, One in 8,000 and the season finale were my favorite episodes. The season finale wrapped things up in a really satisfying way while also being entertaining. It takes a bold leap that works and will lead well into the final season next year.

*Spoilers for Arrow
Deathstroke was a really good villain for season two. He made a great transition from ally to enemy. They did a really good story with Canary and she is really good in action scenes. The story around Flash was a little cheesy but the character and actor was really great and I'm looking forward to seeing Flash next year. Deadshot was a fun character and I liked the League of Shadows. I also liked Malcolm Merlyn's return. They kept on bringing in more and more and got in two seasons worth of story in one season.

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