Saturday, May 3, 2014

My Favorite TV Shows from 2013/2014: #16-20

Yes I watched more than 20 TV shows over the last year. I often would get work done on my videography business with TV playing in the background. That said, I didn't have cable TV for most of the year and haven't had the chance to check out many shows of network TV. Recommendations and arguments in the comments are encouraged. If a show was in my top 10 last year I include the rankings

20. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- ABC
Coming off The Avengers and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I expected better stories. I had low expectations for a budget but even it didn't even meet my production expectations. Bring on B-list superheroes and more things from the Marvel universe instead of name-dropping things from the movies (and never showing them). The first half of the season was bad. There were some better stories in the second half, but there are finally some good episodes beginning with the big plot twist in Turn, Turn, Turn. Unfortunately this was episode 17 of the series but the series is showing potential.

19: Whose Line is it Anyway? -CW
I didn't catch the original run when it was on (or the British version) but I definitely enjoy this new version. Drew Carey is a better host than Aisha Tyler, but I got used to her and she is still a solid host. Wayne Brady is crazy funny and Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops are very good. The jokes are as interesting as most sitcoms but the occasional sketch is brilliant. The celebrity guest stars they bring in aren't that great but luckily they barely use them in the episodes.

18. Castle- ABC
I gave this show a chance because Nathan Fillion was really fun to watch in Firefly. I can understand why this has more than twice the viewership of Firefly even if it's not as good a show. The show is well-written with a solid cast. The show is okay when it's a standard cop show but it becomes a lot of fun on the episodes that are really surreal and strains believability. If you want to cherry pick episodes, the ones that sound the most interesting deliver.

17. Amazing Race- CBS
Is every episode essentially the same? Yes, the "plot" and "characters" of this show essentially are the same over all the seasons but it's great to see different views of places all over the world. It's nice to see a reality show that's not centered around pain subjected on the contestants. It's also feels one of the most "fair" reality shows because the results are based on performance instead of popularity. The two person teams are more fun to watch than most reality free-for-alls. The product placement is a little annoying and I don't like some extra drama that's created by creative editing. This is by far the show I most want to be on. Anyone want to apply with me?

16. Revolution (Last year #5)- NBC
A world without power is a really interesting premise and they even managed to explain it in a way that doesn't sound hokey. The societal impact and mishmash of industrial and modern technology creates a great background world that's fun to explore. The season one finale was around the high point for the series for me as the story has taken some weird turns and some of the characters are less likeable. Overall the action is pretty good. The episode "Dreamcatcher" was especially good this season.

Honorary Mention: Best Late Night: Conan
In my opinion Conan has the best monologue, interviews, sidekick, recurring sketches and one-off sketches. The weeks that he tours are classics and re-occurring sketches Fan Corrections, Basic Cable Name that Tune, Ted Turner, Minty the Candy Cane That Briefly Fell on the Ground, Bill Tull's Budget Holiday Tips, Clueless Gamer and The Audiencey Awards are really good.

Worst Show (that I gave a chance): Dads
I gave this a chance because of Seth Green but this is just unfunny (while somehow being both bland and offensive at the same time). I'm surprised it hasn't been officially cancelled yet.

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